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Advanced Web Ranking Review E-mail
User Rating: / 2

I recently needed to find a better solution of monitoring the rankings of a good number of my sites and looked at many services and applications offering that functionality. It took me around 4 hours to try my top picks based on their selling materials and I've concluded that I only want to use one of them. Unfortunately, it was standing last in my list of over a dozen similar applications, otherwise I wouldn't waste so much time by looking at all others, but I am glad I still managed to not only find it and get to it, but also play with this masterpiece to conduct that it's the best monitoring tool I've ever seen. I liked it so much that I've decided to spend some more time to write about it and save time for many others doing or planning the same research. You don't need to spend your valuable time for this anymore, just read my post and see why you might want to use this software over others. By the way, you probably want to know that it's called: Advanced Web Ranking.

Please note: I will not compare it to any other competing solution to avoid disappointment from other hard-working software developers; I'll just say what I liked about this particular application. However, I will name a few competitors who are also strong, in the end of my post so you could take a look at those on your own to compare them with this software and either agree or (very unlikely) disagree with my conclusions.

This tool turned out to be way more useful than just for monitoring the rankings or the backlinks or the website's uptime, like what you can expect from most of its competitors. Advanced Web Ranking is also a fully-scaled seo software, which allows you to also optimize your site, pick top keywords for it, find relevant and strong backlinks for your website, rank both universally and locally in Google and other search engines, and even research your competition.

Moreover, AWR (Advanced Web Ranking) integrates your Google Analytics data and thus gives all the insights from GA right there. None of other applications give that functionality. It is usually either analytics software or an seo software or a monitoring software. This awesome tech-creature aka “advanced web ranking” offers all in one…. and it offers even more than that. Knowing your site's data and analyzing it, is definitely important but not enough. You do need to look around at your competing websites as well, you also need to have strong tools to optimize your website and outrank the competition. AWR gives you quite a good picture of your entire competition per keyword or per niche and helps you decide if you even want to get into that game by comparing those to your resources and potentials or you better pick something else. Their extensive keyword research area will help you with pick some other segment as well should I decide so.

The tool works with over 2000 search engines (and that’s quite impressive, I must admit) and it also integrates data from SEOMOZ and Wordtracker. It's the only SEO software that also analyzes your traffic; and it's the only rankings monitoring software that manages links and identifies top ranking competitors, which by far is my favorite feature.

Another strong advantage of this software in comparison with others is that while having a good number of complex features, Advanced Web Ranking runs incredibly fast. The interface is much more intuitive than the ones from others as well. No bugs noticed so far, the number of new features with each new edition is quite impressive too.

So, comparing to closer competing application like Rank Tracker, WebPosition, SERP Tracker, Web CEO Desktop, SEO Book Rank Checker, SEO Elite, Clever Stat, SEO Monitor, SEO Suite, Quantcast, SEO Power Suite - Advanced Web Ranking stands out and outperforms all of them overall.

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