Home Articles SEO and Marketing Endless Struggle To Stay On Top
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Endless Struggle To Stay On Top |
Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a difficult chore to manage, and what a lot of webmasters don't realize is that it is an ongoing effort, as keeping your site in the rankings is balancing act seemingly straight out of the circus big top.
Providing key word rich content is the first step. Without content, there is no real product for visitors to attach their attention to. Once the content is generated, the web master is required to turn his attention to promoting the new site on the web, a difficult accomplishment under even the most opportune circumstances.
Controlling the advertising budget can be difficult if the webmaster chooses to use paid advertising, as it is fairly easy to pay for clicks from visitors that don't earn you any money at all. The internet is, after all, a very competitive place. But it is generally agreed that a good way to improve search rankings is links on other higher rated relevant sites back to the webmasters site. This practice is most easily effected by buying links, even though link buying is frowned on by Google and other search engines. In the event links can't be bought or otherwise easily established, there are other avenues of link promotion, such as forums and leaving comments on blogs and guestbooks. These are extremely time consuming techniques, but they cost nothing, and can add valuable exposure to the webmasters site.
Other popular methods of link building include submitting your sites to high quality web directories, submitting articles to news sites and article directories, as well as pay for content sites such as Associated Content, Helium and Constant Content. Link building is a never ending effort, as more links mean more visitors and better page rank, as well as increased visibility.
Once the webmaster has achieved the initial tasks of filling the site with content and establishing links, the key to successfully consistent rankings is to update frequently. By updating frequently, the webmaster is encouraging the spiders to return for another update of the new material, as well as providing additional keyword rich content. As more and more key words and phrases get added to the site being spidered, more and more relevant keywords become associated within the context of the indexed pages, providing an increase in the perceived relevance of your content.
As time goes by, much of the content on the web changes, as well as the search algorithms that the major search engines utilize, making it an ongoing guessing game to keep sites and tags optimized. An easy way to keep abreast of the latest changes, enter your top key words or phrases into Google or any other search engine and visit some of the top ranking web sites. By analyzing the source code for the top ranked web sites and blogs, web masters can ascertain the most effective and up to date search engine optimization strategies on the web, right from the most evidently successful pages at the top of Google's rankings.
In the earlier days of the internet, spreading duplicate content all over the web was a good way to rank in the search engines. Simply having a host of cloned sites all linked to each other was enough to drive traffic to a network of landing pages, padded with key words and phrases and packed with ads and paid links to affiliates and partner sites. Unfortunately, the modern day internet is somewhat more finicky at selecting content for high rankings. Original, unique content filled with key words and important, relevant key phrases is required to reach any worthwhile rank with today's advanced search engine algorithms. Sites like Google and Alta Vista will simply detect repetitive, or spam, content and penalize the site for duplicate content.
Producing original, key word rich ad copy or articles on an ongoing basis can become a tremendous challenge to even the most productive web masters. Many larger sites have multiple contributors, or feature exclusive content from their members or paid freelancers. Utilizing a paid method of generating content is a decision not to be made lightly, as the razor thin profit margins of internet marketing makes it difficult to allow for any type of extensive ad or content budget. This is the single biggest reason that it takes so long to produce any profits from new web ventures, as it simply takes a substantial amount of time and effort to properly optimize the content for search engines and monetize a new site. During the critical start up phase, the site itself produces minimal cash income, usually none at all. Because of this, it is generally advisable not to spend any money out of pocket when building or promoting a new site, static page or blog.
Initially, the idea of consistently adding new back links to different sites, forums and blog comment pages across the web may sound easy. But many new web masters find it difficult to keep pace with all the ongoing requirements of staying in the search engine rankings. To succeed in the highly competitive world of online marketing and search engine optimization, web masters must be committed to this ongoing strategy of constant updates. Keeping such a hectic pace is difficult at best, and before any would be web masters strike out into a new profession, they would be wise to consider the nature of the never ending battle to stay on top of the rankings.