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Blogging for Business Owners E-mail
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Even a business that is predominantly offline in nature can benefit from an online presence, which has been known to be capable of increasing profits. Your two main options when it comes to developing an online presence are to build a comprehensive website, or to develop a blog.

Blogs are simply online web logs or diaries that can be completely customizable and simple to write in. You have the power to decide exactly how your blog website will look, and you also have the power to dictate how formal or casual the tone of your writing will be and when new information will be posted. There are several different advantages for businesses who develop a web presence through blogging, including:

  • Your blog can be updated at any time that you like, so you can feel free to share news about your business quickly and easily and the rest of the world will hear it. The more you post in your blog, the more effective it will be, but it is important to remember only to post relevant, important information that you want to share with your readers.
  • Blogging is a simple task and does not involve complex knowledge of coding or HTML or any of the other jargon surrounding typical website development. Writing a blog is just as easy as typing in a word processor.
  • Blogging allows businesses to create a more casual or more informal angle, allowing visitors, clients and customers to get a true feel for the personality behind the business rather than just the strict business side of it. Blogs serve as excellent first impressions, and can tell your potential customers more about you and your business than you realize.
  • Your blog will essentially announce your business to the world, because once search engines begin to index it, the entire world will be able to find it. This will have an extremely positive effect on your business reputation, and will also impact the way that you drive customers into your business. If you want to attract increased targeted traffic to your business, blogging is the way to do it.
  • Your blog can serve as a representative of your business, and a first impression, even when you are not around to do so yourself. Your blog will be up and available 24 hours a day, which means that it will be constantly serving as a representation of everything that your business stands for.

If you want to write a successful blog that accomplishes a great deal in attracting new customers, new interest and new business to your company, there are a few factors that are well worth considering:

  • Your blog will essentially serve as a giant display window for your business, presenting it to the world. Make sure that your blog postings are both concrete and clear, because you want to project the right impression onto both current and future customers.
  • Before writing each and every blog entry, you should have a clear idea of what you plan to write. Determine ahead of time what the most crucial points are that you would like to make, as well as what message your readers should be getting from the post. Avoid getting sidetracked or rambling when blogging, no matter how easy it is to do so. Once you have determined the main idea for your blog post, stick to it.
  • One of the most powerful things that you can do through your blog is to find a way to keep track of contact information for all of the readers of your blog. You may consider offering free information like a report or eBook in exchange for their mailing list information like a name and e-mail address. List building is a powerful thing, and once you have an extensive mailing list of readers, customers and potential customers, you can market your business directly to them through e-mail in addition to reaching them through your blog.

By creating a business web presence through blogging, you can attract increased traffic to your company and increase sales significantly in the process. If you are not blogging already, there truly is no telling how much business you are actually missing out on. Creating and publishing a blog will allow you to reach more potential customers than ever before, and will offer a great outlet for mailing list building which will increase your traffic and sales even greater beyond what your blog can accomplish.

Some Popular Open Source Blog Software's:--

B2 Evolution

Life Type

Nucleus CMS

- this is most popular Blog software.

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written by Tim Evans , February 04, 2008
I think there is one point that isn't made strongly enough in this article and that is to make sure that your blog posts are actually of interest to your customers and not just the things your company hopes will be of interest to your customers.

All too often, corporate blogs are simply extended About Us pages where companies post additional information about their company that is of very little interest to the end reader.

Your company news is not always going to be all that important to your customers, so don't use your blog to simply push any old information at your readers.

This is the hardest part of blog writing - finding topics that will be of interest to your readers and aligning this with a way to help you communicate with your potential customers.

Best to work backwards and ask what do your customers find interesting and from their try to find a link to your business.
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