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Little Known Business Credit Card Rewards & Benefits E-mail
User Rating: / 22
Business credit cardholders are no strangers to rewards programs. Almost all business credit cards offer some type of rewards program in hopes of attracting new consumers to their credit cards. Competition among the credit card companies is tough, and rewards programs are often the way the cards compete with one another for new customers.

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Benefits of Business Credit Cards E-mail
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There are numerous advantages to using credit cards in your small business. The advantages increase when you have a credit card that is exclusive to your small business- in other words, one that is not at all used for personal expenses.

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Loan Options for Small Businesses E-mail
User Rating: / 4
It seems that all businesses eventually have the need for more capital. There are various reasons your business might need to borrow money; new equipment, acquiring another business, opening a new branch or division or getting a new building. Regardless of the reason, there are a number of options available to the small business owner.

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Small Business Credit Cards E-mail
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While it is certainly true that you do not have to have a credit card to run a business, there is no denying that it sure helps, especially in your business’s early years. The ability to purchase supplies, pay for travel and postage while getting Frequent Flyer Miles or cash back bonuses is a nice bonus. Most small businesses use Credit Cards to one degree or another, and more than a few absolutely rely on them.


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Taxes for Self Employed E-mail
User Rating: / 15
If you are a United States citizen and work for yourself, then IRS may require you to pay self-employment tax.

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Personal Credit and Your Business E-mail
User Rating: / 13
One surprise many would-be entrepreneurs receive when they apply for a business loan is how much emphasis is placed upon their personal credit history.

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How to Fund Your Online Business E-mail
User Rating: / 2
The second most common reason for failure of new businesses within one year after start up is not lack of sales, but lack of adequate funding to carry your business through those first few crucial months. Sadly, these disappointing statistics often belong to companies who have strong accounts receivable.

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