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Data Rich and Information Poor Businesses E-mail
User Rating: / 16

It can be said that many of today’s businesses are “data rich” in that they have more raw data than they know what to do with. This statement, however, is usually followed by noting that the data rich businesses are also information poor, meaning they are not getting useful information from their data. This has many negative consequences for businesses both large and small in today’s competitive landscape.


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Branding Strategy E-mail
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Have you ever wondered what makes one website so popular, and why so many others fail to capture the attention of the mass public? While there are many variables to why this happens, one of the most important of these is branding. The most successful websites are those that have created a brand for themselves, and thus they are more memorable and desirable for Internet users.

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Getting Best Out of Google Analytics E-mail
User Rating: / 3
Running your own website can be extremely difficult, as well as frustrating. The main reason for this is because when you have to begin analyzing your websites traffic for marketing purposes, it can become confusing and many individuals simply skip this part of running their website. Even though it seems that skimming over analyzing your website may be the easy way out, you will be missing vital information that could help you better market and organize your website.

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Tips to Organize Business for Success E-mail
User Rating: / 9

Keeping your business organized is a large part of guaranteeing success for yourself, or at least staving off the chance of failure by giving you more of the necessary tools for running your business smoothly and keeping everything in order at the same time.


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Accounting Software For Your Business E-mail
User Rating: / 4
Before computers became popular, a business owner kept track of his income and outgo via a system of ledgers, checkbooks, accounts, pads and pencils, often requiring several entries just to register the writing of a check or a simple deposit. As simple a task as reconciling the bank statement or writing payroll checks could take costly man hours and add dramatically to the costs of doing business.

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Is it Really Unique? E-mail
User Rating: / 3
As far as search engine optimization is concerned, unique content is not only desirable, it’s essential. Of course many will argue that content does not have to be unique to be successful online, and they are correct. But as far as most of the internet marketing world is concerned, uniqueness is key. Major search engines, especially Google, favor unique content and the nature of something exclusive to bring in visitors is always appealing.

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Protecting Your Interests E-mail
User Rating: / 4

The internet is more than a marketplace – it is a huge canvas for creative medium. Internet marketers work closely with creative experts to design websites, logos and copy for sales letters and websites. Programmers are turning out new programs and designs every day while writer churn out fresh articles and copy.


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Contractor Bidding Software E-mail
User Rating: / 12
When you see construction companies and general contractors looking to bid on certain job, you many wonder how they can put a bid package together. In the old days there used to be a checklist of sorts and then the contractor would then put in what they believe the amount of money it would take in order to complete that task. Then they would add the numbers up from every category and that would be their bid. It would take hours and hours to complete a bid package. But today with technology growing more and more everyday, everyone uses software for every and any project.

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Call Center CRM Softwares E-mail
User Rating: / 3
Call Center CRM or Customer Relationship Management Software is used to help webmasters who have product or services sites, give their customers better automated process. You can store the customer’s information to make it more manageable.

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Balancing Online Business and Family E-mail
User Rating: / 5
More and more people are looking at ways to start their own business. With the increasing popularity of the Internet and the fact that it can quickly and easily reach a global audience, the growth of online businesses in booming.

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Choosing a Business Structure E-mail
User Rating: / 2
One of the things which must be decided before beginning your business is the type of business structure which would be the best for your particular company. Some of the options are limited liability company (LLLC), corporation, partnership, and sole proprietorship....

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Best Online Business E-mail
User Rating: / 3
Anyone who is reading about the world of e-commerce these days realizes that it offers opportunities for the small businessperson beyond anything that's been available previously. The costs are minimal to start up, the market is worldwide and the information pool is mind-bending. If you've considered joining the e-commerce trend, this is an excellent time to do so. You may wonder about what the best online businesses are. There probably is no single right answer, but if you keep the following principles in mind, you are sure to find an online business that will work for you.

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